
Making India's first hypersonic glide vehicle

why HGV-202f

What is HGV-202F

Hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) are launched by rockets into near space,
where they are released and fly to their targets by gliding along the
upper atmosphere. They travel at the upper levels of hypersonic speeds
and altitudes.
Hypersonic speed

HGV-202F will glide at the altitude of 44 to 100 kms with the speed range of upper hypersonic, thus giving it less time to react against it.


Being a hypersonic glide vehicle HGV-202F won't have any propulsion system and will use it's aerodynamic to glide towards target, thus gives unpredictable trajectory 

Project Budget

It is estimated that HGV-202F will be developed at 5% the budget of DARPA's HTV-2

HTNP Industries on Medium

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What are the technical barriers to Hypersonic Glide Vehicles?

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